среда, 6 июня 2012 г.

Ten Prophecies of Satan

Chilling events must put an end to our world and become a prelude to reign in it the Devil. About inscribed on the tablets of the predictions has been decided to tell in 2001, when all the world will be convinced that the end of the world will not. Then Pope John Paul II, for some reason it is banned, and only now with the new pope was again the case in motion.
Museum of Lucifer.

On the eve of the third millennium of the Christian era there was a set of predictions about the coming end of the world. Some were planning it for 1999, but when nothing terrible had happened, began to push back the fateful date in the future. First, in the present decade of the XXI century, then further on, and so for hundreds of years ahead. The essence of the stories about the end of the world as we know, that after the seizure of power in the world Antichrist will be the decisive battle of heaven and hell forces, and on the planet, in the end, the kingdom of God reign. For a truly believing Christian is absolute truth. He was only a vague question: when these events occur. But many people order podrasteryavshih faith issues more. For example, whether there is a Satan, who will erect the throne of the Antichrist on the world, and thus mark the beginning of dark period in human life?.

A convincing answer can be found at the Museum of Lucifer, created at the Vatican. With the blessing of the Pope in its exhibits to prove that Satan roams the world.

- Items in the museum, of course, are a testament unclean intrigues, - says the curator of the museum 's father Ismar Benidikti. - The church adopted them as a concrete proof of the existence of the Devil. We do not make public their not talking about it, but keep them to show what a devil.

The museum, for example, there is a prayer book that belonged to a young Italian, who died on the night of horror in 1578 when she was Satan. The book, which she dropped in fright, burnt in places where it touched hand of the prince of darkness.

Another exhibit - Dress French Countess Sybil de Merker, who met the Devil in a deserted courtyard of his own castle in 1357. Burnt through her ​​dress in the place that touched the hand of Satan.

- The museum was founded in 1933 at the behest of Pope Pius XI ( 1922, 1939. Mr.. ) - Says Father Stephen Mezzofanti, the 11th director of the secret museum. - Here are collected hundreds of testimonies of the real existence of Satan. Three of them focused on the Mezzofanti.
Vatican Expert Group concluded that the document was found in 1946 in the burned house, and sent to the Vatican by the German monk, is actually a contract that Adolf Hitler had made with Satan himself. The contract was dated April 30, 1932 and signed by both parties with blood. According to him, the devil has virtually unlimited power to Hitler on the condition that he would use it for evil. In return, Hitler promised to give his soul to Satan in his undivided possession of exactly 13 years. So, in 1932, plus 13 - we get 1945.

Four experts examined the document and agreed that the signature of the Fuehrer true characteristic of the documents signed by him in the 30s. But the most curious thing is different: the signature of Satan, too, coincides with the one that stands on similar agreements with the ruler of Hell. And there in various archives, particularly the church, many.

Agreement with the lord of hell Hitler helps solve the mystery - as Schicklgruber managed to become the ruler of Germany. Judge: 32 -year Hitler was just a loser. He was expelled from high school, then he sank twice in the exams at the Academy of Arts. He even spent time in prison. All who knew him at that time considered him no matter what a person does not fit. But the 32 -year his fate changed dramatically. He literally ... According to Vatican experts, this can only be explained by an alliance with Satan. A April 30, 1945 - exactly 13 years later - he killed his own life.

So usually, and operates the Prince of Darkness. He chooses a loser, tormented by ambition and lust for worldly pleasures, and promises to fulfill all his desires. The result - a lot of trouble for others and a complete disaster for those who ... The fate of Hitler's fully fit into this scheme.

The contract with Satan Hitler was found in an old trunk, which by pure chance ( or maybe not?) Pulled from a burning house, located on the outskirts of Berlin. He was heavily damaged, but it can be read.

demon flesh.

- According to archaeologists, - says Father Stephen Mezzofanti, showing reporters unremarkable, brown Shrivelled body - this mummy, found under the ruins of an old church in the Mexican capital Mexico City, is not ... There is reason to believe that the preserved remains belonged to the very real demon! .

... Terranova after examination of the remains. - We have received evidence that Satan really existed in the flesh ...

Archaeologists do not know, like a mummy, discovered in a simple stone sarcophagus under the altar, fell into the Catholic Church of St. Anthony. Researchers concluded that the age of discovery about 600 years. Mummy so well preserved that many of the details are clearly visible appearance, as, for example, long, almost feminine eyelashes. The study of the mummy skull showed that the horns and fangs the creature emerged as adults.

... - We believe that at the beginning of this man led a completely normal life, but at the age of about 25 years, his body was possessed by Satan ...

Now scientists are trying to read the inscription on the brass medallion that hung around his neck mummy. According to experts, there is speculation that the locket was some occult subject through which Satan enters into the volunteer or the unsuspecting victim.

Finding in Mexico has not, however, the first proof that the devil takes human form. At the end of 1995 have already been reported horny mummy found in Indian burial grounds near the White River ( South Dakota, USA). Indian Satan less fortunate than the Mexican, he was tortured to death warriors of the Sioux.

According to the canons of Christianity, the Lord God has only one physical incarnation - Jesus Nazareth, but in human history, Satan appeared in the flesh, hundreds of times.

The remains found in South Dakota, dated to the beginning of the XVIII century, t. e. them about 300 years. ... - If the interval between the bodily incarnation does not change, following the appearance of Satan can be expected at the beginning of the third millennium... ...

Satan's Museum, located in the Church of the Sacred Heart of the Martyr, is rarely visited by tourists or senior clerics, because its existence is kept secret.

But Satan is not only wanders all over the world, he intends to change the doomsday scenario, conceived by God. At least so say the signs of which were mentioned at the beginning.

The predictions of the fallen angel.

- Those dreadful prophecies were kept sealed with seven seals to 1566, when they gave the Vatican Impenitent Satanist - says Dr. Paul Morret from Washington. - And now they have finally seen the light. Prophecies of Satan, in general, coincide with the predictions contained in the Bible, but with one important difference. In the Bible we find reference to the fact that after a period of incredible turmoil, suffering and struggle of good still prevail over evil and will lead to the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. In the predictions of Satan sounds the opposite of the assertion. After a horrific series of misfortunes and terrible epidemics, world wars and the terror of unprecedented evil triumph of good, and Satan will set hell on earth, and it will rule forever.

Prophecies of ten, and five of them have come true! . Other predictions of the five main villain should have become a reality until 2000, but this did not happen. Such abrupt changes in the course of events can hardly be explained by anything else than the victory of light forces.

But back to the predictions of the impure. As engraved on plates of black onyx, these prophecies are believed to comprise at least 10,000 years.

- To no one doubts arose about the authenticity of the plates, - said Dr. Morret - take into account the fact that the spent by the most modern scientific methods of research has shown that the engraving was done 9.5-11 thousand years ago.

- And, more importantly - he continues - five of the prophecies have come true, thus proving, at least, that their author is really foresaw the future - of joy and suffering. Divination include, inter alia, a reference to Satan's plan to plunge the Christian world in utter confusion at the time of the Crusades, which, as we all know, really took place. They also contain a reference to the First and Second World Wars and the rise to power of the servants of the forces of evil - Adolf Hitler. No less dramatic were his predictions on what the free world will collapse under the weight of an epidemic of drug abuse, rampant sex and the general decline of morality. In the prophecy of Satan also provides an indication of significant changes in the shape of the Earth, starting with an unprecedented series of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which, geologists, and you confirm it, began with the end of the 80s of the twentieth century. And all these horrors were confined to 1999-2000,. This is self -explanatory - all of it came our time, in the prophecies of Satan was a bluff. But this does not mean you should forget about them. All the horror can still be realized, but at a later time. Satan has repeatedly found himself trapped with their plans, but never stopped trying to implement them again and again.

Overview of ...

To forecast the Devil unsuccessful, as the prophet of a large scale, you can add unfulfilled ... Many of them are ours, domestic. Beginning of the end of the world was declared in 1990, completed the process in 2003. According to others, it should have happened in 1996-1998. Well, of course, the mass of predictions concerned the 1999. We will not waste your time on trivia, take a look at the problem globally. It appears, according to conservative estimates for thousands of years of recorded history, mankind has frightened the ends of the world hundreds of times! . So, the end of the world was supposed to happen: in 900 n. e. In 1000, 1666, 1900, 1910, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2017, 3797, and so on.

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